A downloadable game

Cursed Dungeon is an action rougelike, 2D dungeon crawler. The twist of the game is that the power ups the player accumulate throughout come with a downside, which force them to evaluate what they can take and how to play around the cursed power. These cursed powers include fire that damages the player and the enemies over time, and a lightning ability that deals bonus flat damage on hit but slows the player if they get hit. Everything has been created by me, following online tutorials and using simple sprites to help the player feel immersed"Early Boss Testing

"Early Boss Testing"

First Iteration of Sword Attack

Sample of code running for this project

This project serves as a capstone project, which will be presented at the University of Dallas's Capstone Presentation. Cursed Dungeon demonstrates skills involving scripting multiple different systems within a project, each with multiple connections using object orientated-programing. The skills shown also demonstrate experience with level and game design, most prevalent in how the player moves and interacts with enemies. The code base uses GML, unique to Gamemaker Studio, which acts as a combination of the C++ and C# languages

Within the project includes a sample level, where the player needs to collect coins to achieve victory. However, the highlight is the boss encounter. The boss has two different attacks, which trigger based on different conditions. Timing the boss's attack patterns allow the player to deal damage, but comes with their own risks. As the boss's health is lowered, enemies begin to spawn, and a last stand phase at the last part of their health makes the boss more dangerous, and includes a third dangerous attack. Victory means the player must learn and adapt, mastering their abilities as well as dodging the enemies

Even after the project has been used demonstrated at the University of Dallas's Capstone Presentation, the project shall continue on, creating more intricate gameplay elements, more levels and bosses, more powerups, and reworking the powerups with more intricate upgrades and variations within each of the elements

view my portfolio- https://chadkoontzportfolio.my.canva.site/


DecentIntoTheCurse_capstone.zip 4.5 MB

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